Android One received Android 6.0 Marshmallow update few days ago, now CM 13 is Up for Android One Smartphones that means you can explore to the potential of all Android One Smartphones. Cyanogenmod 13 based on Android 6.0 Marshmallow forAndroid One is compiled by Swapnil Solanki, prominent developer for Android One Smartphones. Anyone can Install CM13 on Android One Phone by following the tutorial mentioned in this post.
Here is a glimpse of CM13 on Android One Smartphone:
How to Install CM13 On Android One Smartphone :
As the CM13 for Android One Devices is in beta stage, but one can test it and report the problems for CM13 ROM for Android One Smartphones. Well the procedure to Install CM13 on Android One Phone (Sprout 4) Currently is quiet similar to what we did while installing CM12.1 on Android One Smartphones.
- Install Philz Touch Recovery on your Android One Smartphone from Here.
- Now download CM13 ROM for Android One Smartphone (Sprout4)from Here.
- Now Download Google Apps (Gapps) Mini From Here
- Place CM13 ROM on SD Card and boot the phone into recovery.
- Take backup of current ROM so that you do not face any problem when you want to revert back.
- Now to Wipe section and select Wipe to Install New ROM.
- Now flash the CM13 ROM by going to Install Zip from SD Card.
- Once completed, restart the phone. And you will be booted to CM13 on Android One!
- Flash the Google Apps if required by you and enjoy the ROM!
First startup takes little time, therefore be patient as your Android One phone boots with CM13, Video tutorial to Install CM13 on Android One Phone will be soon available to guide you all better. Do Subscribe to the website for further more updates regarding Android One SmartPhones!