Createing own transparent logo or icon is not difficult in Pc but what if you don't have pc or any resonance you can't access it ?
It's simple you can create logo and get transparent icons from many online sites but what if you want to create your totally own logo or icon with your own font ?
That's way this article is for to give you solution.
You can build Your transparent logo or icon with popular photo editing app Called PicsArt.
So just Follow Instructions Given Below and you will done.
1. Download Picsart App if your not using already.
2. Open Picsart App then open Draw And Choose Blank background.
3. Now set Resolution you want and click ok.
4. Click on layers icon and open slide bar.
5. Now close 2d eye button and select transparent one.
6. Now Draw anything you want or add text with your favourite fonts (you can also do it after saving as draft).
7. Click on save and save it as .PNG
8. Done your transparent image is ready go and check in gallery.
Note:- Don't save image as .jpeg because it doesn't suport transparent image that's way all icons and transparent logos comes in .Png Format so save in .PNG format if you want your image in transparent.
Any question comment below..